Return and Refund Policy

Our customers have 30 days from the date of receiving the shipment to initiate a return.

To start a return, email us at to request a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA). We'll send you the RMA and return instructions within 2 to 3 business days.

Keep in mind that shipping costs, even for free-shipped items, are not refundable. The shipping cost will be subtracted from your refund. If the return is due to our error, we'll cover the return shipping.

Ensure that returned items are in new condition. The returned items should be in their original packaging. If not, a processing fee of up to 20% might be charged.

Refunds will be issued through the initial payment method. If that's not possible, the customer will receive store credit.

You can return items that are not defective for a full refund but you will have to pay for shipping. Make sure the items you send back are new and still in their original packaging.

Items that can not be returned or refunded are air conditioners, appliances, batteries, customized products, data cards, generators, motors, items that you have to register, items that require installation, remanufactured items, sanitary items, software, and special orders.

If you find something is wrong with an item, please contact the manufacturer for instructions to return the defective item.

We do not process exchanges for items. If you need a different item, please return the item for a refund and place a new order.